Classic Cooking Academy

I’m three weeks deep into a 24 week cooking program at the Classic Cooking Academy. The instructor, chef, and owner Pascal Dionot is brilliant. He is European trained and comes from the generation that worked in a brigade-style kitchen. He has worked with some of the best in the business. His experience makes him intense to watch, thorough with his instruction, and entertaining to listen to.

In just three weeks he has taught me the importance of making stocks and demi-glace. I’ve also learned how to make a number of brown sauces that incorporates an intensely meaty flavored demi-glace; bordelaise, chasseur, blue cheese, and a Robert sauce. His demonstrations involve thorough explanations and flawless techniques.

He showed us how to perfectly execute each sauce and had us taste them during and after each cooking stage. Not only did I learn how to make a variety of full flavored brown sauces I learned how to pair the sauces with different animals (star of the dish) so that the sauce compliments the dish rather than takes away from it.

After his demonstration he had us make one of the brown sauces he demonstrated. I chose a bordelaise that he said looked and tasted good but needed more body (more demi-glace). Having a chance to taste his and another student’s bordelaise I couldn’t have agreed more.

After the last class I came home and made a blue cheese sauce that paired perfectly with beef tenderloin. In a few days I will download the pictures and write about it. It was one of the best things that I’ve ever made.

Enjoy the holiday and the great food with your family and friends. Happy Holiday.

1 comment:

Matt E said...

This sounds amazing. I can't wait to see about this blue cheese sauce. Both Liz and I love blue cheese and eat it in some way 3-4 times per week (on salads etc.)